Biomechanics & Orthotics

Running shoes

What is Biomechanics?

A biomechanical assessment involves a complex evaluation of the function and alignment of the feet and legs whilst non-weight bearing, standing and walking. This assessment can identify the cause of pain or injury and a treatment plan can then be developed to improve the condition.

The treatment plan may consist of one or more of the following:

  • Footwear advice
  • Exercises
  • Orthotics / Insoles

What is an Orthotic?

An orthotic is custom made insole that supports, realigns and improves the functioning of the foot. The prescription of an orthotic is based upon the findings of the biomechanical assessment and may involve casting the foot which results in the orthotic being an exact fit.


The assessment can take up to an hour and it is advisable to bring a pair of shorts and a selection of footwear.

Orthotic insole
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